Disney First Aid

Disney First Aid
Photo credits to Disney Food Blog for this amazing picture

What happens if you get sick in Disney World? What if you need a band aid or to just rest and get some electrolytes in your body? Well the good news is Disney has you covered. Thanks to the partnership with Advent Health the first aid stations in Disney World will have you feeling better in no time.

My Husband & I just went to Disney World the week of September 15th and we celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary and while there I myself had to visit one of these first aid stations and the care I received before and after was the most care I have ever seen by a company in my life. So the backstory is I have a lot of allergies and while the main event that led up to this DID NOT happen on Disney Property the care I received was still amazing.

Back in April I had allergy tests done because I kept getting sinus infections and my allergies were just horrible all year long. As it turns out I have a laundry list of allergies that includes trees, bushes, weeds, dust mites, mold, fungi, and feathers (chicken, duck, and goose). Yes unfortunately I am allergic to Donald Duck. Well when I started my allergy shots and everything was going smoothly, until we went to Florida and all the pollen changed and so did my allergies.

We always stay off property when we go, and this time we changed hotels, that was probably our first mistake. Now I am not saying that the hotel we stayed in was bad, it was a fantastic hotel and we absolutely loved it. Here is the downside to changing hotels you never know what you are gonna get when you do. So we stayed at the Holiday Inn on I-Dr. Unbeknownst to us this hotel had feather pillows, and possibly a feather pillowtop mattress, we found out on day 4.

While at Hollywood Studios I started having trouble breathing, which isn't really uncommon especially when I go to Epcot the day before and have allergy issues and on top of that it was hot. So my husband and I ducked into one of the stores so I could use my inhaler and sit in the AC for a minute. Unfortunately there were no places to sit and so I sat on the floor and got out my inhaler. A cast member was nearby and saw this happen and asked if I was okay, to which I replied yes I was fine and no paramedics were needed and he walked off. A few moments later this same cast member came back to let me know there was a fitting room with a chair available if i wanted to use it with some privacy and we took him up on the offer.

Once I was feeling better I found another cast member and asked her to let the other one know I appreciated everything and thank you. She let me know that they had sent out a park wide text letting everyone know that I was in there and what was going on and to be on the look out in case anything else happened. She then informed me that if I needed anything else to go to first aid and they would take care of me. Little did I know that i would be there within 15 minutes of that conversation.

Once in the first aid station I let the nurses know what was going on, that I had taken my inhaler and I had not gotten any relief. They took me to an exam room, took my vitals, and told me my options. I could do a breathing treatment or take a Benadryl. I decided on the Benadryl and then went to the back area and used their cots to lay down for a bit. Before we left they took my vitals again to make sure was ok. We then left got lunch and then left the parks for the day got to the hotel and promptly requested new pillows.

Extremely long story short if you ever feel like you need to always go to first aid. They are huge life savers. I owe them everything. I am extremely grateful to the all the cast members that helped me and never feel like you cannot go to them if you need to, even if its to just lay down for exhaustion.